What I'm learning about Prestia

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What I'm learning about Prestia

Post by Joy »

I have an account at Prestia, formerly Citibank.

Money transfer (US$-> Yen)
I learned that I can transfer money from my US bank to Prestia, by presenting them with a check. However, their transfer fee is 2000 yen per transaction, plus 1yen for each $. I may use Transferwise instead.

"US" Prestia
I thought there would be branches of Prestia in the US, from which I could withdraw US$ when I visit. However, there are no branches. There are just atms which accept Prestia cards. There is a separate Prestia bank card to use for the US. And, the money basically has to come from your Prestia Japan yen account. It's basically transferring yen to $, with the fees. That's my understanding. So, not such a great deal.

When in the US, you can't make a cash deposit to the atm, either. It's only for withdrawals.

So, will use existing US bank accounts and funds, I guess.
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