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Changes at THEO

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2017 3:19 am
by RetireJapan
Just read the latest THEO newsletter. Seems like there will be two big changes next week:

1. minimum investment will come down to 10,000 yen (from 100,000)
2. they will start a new mode called 'leave it to THEO'

Basically unless you choose your own settings, they will run your portfolio based on your age, assets, and income, changing it once a year to match your situation. Apparently a lot of people had trouble answering THEO's setup risk-assessment questions.

Full blog post once it's been implemented.

Re: Changes at THEO

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 3:57 am
by RetireJapan
The THEO changes seem to have been implemented. Basically 10,000 minimum to open account, and the new 'leave it to THEO' portfolio setting.