Going part-time and impact on shigaku kyosai pension

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Going part-time and impact on shigaku kyosai pension

Post by Bobretires »

Hi all,

Long-time lurker, first-time poster.

I've been employed at an international school in Tokyo for more than a decade and pay into shigaku kyosai (153 months and counting). As I'm in my fifties now I'd like to start winding-down my career and was thinking about going to a four-day week.

I'm presuming that if reduce my hours by 20% I'll also see a decrease in the final pension I get from kyosai, but am wondering if it's really as simple as that? Is there, for example, a limit on the number of hours you have to work per month in order to even qualify for kyosai?

I'm sure that some of you on this forum have experience of this, so your insight would be much appreciated.
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