SMBC Olive: the curse of the middle name

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SMBC Olive: the curse of the middle name

Post by CluelessToshika »

So I am trying to apply for an SMBC Olive account/card via the app so I can do the クレカ積立 for my SBI account and earn gazillions of points or something.

First time round the application was rejected because the name I gave did not match the name on my zairyu card. I suspect because I assumed it's a credit card so only provided first and last names, omitting the cursed middle name.

Anyway tried again, and while it accepts the katakana version of all names, the romaji fields are limited to a total of 17 characters between them. The instructions did say to abbreviate as necessary, so I ended up putting:


but re-reading the instructions (I screenshotted the relevant bits of the form for reference this time), I suspect they may have wanted:


as they say:
(例:ローマ字(姓):W / ローマ字(名):TAROU)
so I'm wondering if anyone else ran into this issue and what they did.

Hopefully they'll accept it this time and the application will go through to the point where they reject me on grounds of being a slightly shifty-looking foreigner.
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Re: SMBC Olive: the curse of the middle name

Post by Telebroker »

Following painful, but very recent experience with two colleagues: Visit a branch and have them sort it out. Bring 1-2hs though.
The helpful green (Olive) ladies are capable of doing the relevant magic in most directions!
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Re: SMBC Olive: the curse of the middle name

Post by sutebayashi »

I tried converting to Olive online too, but it was a rabbit hole…

I wonder if it might be easier to open a fresh account from scratch, than try to convert my existing stuff over. I have a One’s Card that their online guidance said I have to cancel in order to proceed, I recall…

No middle name issue struck so far… if I never convert I wonder what will happen. It’s not really my main bank now anyway.
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