Property Purchase: Starting a checklist / questions

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Property Purchase: Starting a checklist / questions

Post by Joy »

We are considering purchasing an old storefront / house for business purposes. Still in talks, so not a done deal. However, am preparing by doing a few things, listed below. Additional suggestions welcome.

1. Asked realtor for the 固定資産税等の税額, which tells the assessment value of the property. He provided one that he wrote based on the original, but did not provide the original, for privacy reasons.

1a. I went to the 市役所 to ask them for information so I could compare the realtor`s info with the original. The 市役所 does not provide access to the original, but will state whether the realtor`s information is fairly accurate.

2. Am looking for a professional to look over whatever documents we are given to sign, before signing them. These the choices+
a. attorney
b. 宅地建物取引業者
c. 司法書士

The attorney is likely the best solution. However, after the first consultation, they get pricey. Maybe skip around to a new attorney for each new consultation? Also, we are in the boonies, so travel to and from the big city for an English speaking attorney is a half day endeavor.
Japanese attorney may be alright. My husband (Japanese) not interested, so I am doing the footwork. My Japanese is alright, but would prefer an English speaker.

**Question: Between choices b and c, which would be better in terms of knowing whether the documents are fair. Checking the tohon to make sure the property isn't being held for collateral.

3. Inspector
The place is old and should be inspected for structural integrity, shiro ari, and the roof also should be looked at.

Will look for an inspector who is reasonably priced. Am seeing prices from 8-10万.

4. Insurance
Since the place will be used for business, and safety of customers is an issue, will be looking at insurance that includes coverage in case of a mishap that affects a customer(s).
***Question: If any suggestions for this, what to look for, prices, would appreciate.
Would prefer not to disclose exact location at this time, but Osaka area.

5. Loan
a. Any suggestions on good loan sources? We will likely try 農協.
b. ***What type of loan to take out? This will likely be paid off in roughly three years because the amount is relatively small. However, big enough that would not want to put it out in cash.
c. ***What loan rate range is considered good / normal.
d. ***Are the loans generally non-fixed rates. Would prefer fixed.
e. ***Any ins and outs to getting a loan.

No worries if the above questions aren't answered. Will keep looking. I don't read much Japanese, so it's quite time consuming. I use Google translate a lot, sigh.

If any bases not covered, would appreciate any ideas.

Thank you for any suggestions offered.
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