The New Edition is Out

I finished the 2022 edition of the RetireJapan Guide to NISA on Sunday, and my book designer sent me back the final files today.

I’m really proud of this version, it is 50% longer than the previous edition and contains a lot of updated content about Tsumitate NISA, the New NISA starting in 2024, and what is going to happen to Junior NISA after it ends at the end of December 2023.

You can check it out on Gumroad here.

If you have bought a previous copy of the Guide to NISA, you should have received a free copy of the latest version by email. If you did not receive the and would like your copy of the new edition, try to log into Gumroad and download the latest copy of the files (this is easy to do if you still have your purchase email from when you bought it).

If you are not able to do this please get in touch with me by email and I will sort you out.