Let me show you around

If you are new to RetireJapan this post is for you. Perhaps you saw our article in the Japan Times? Or maybe a friend told you about the site. However you found us, welcome 🙂

This site is for you.

Specifically, it is for people living in Japan who would like to learn more about personal finance and investing.

It can be really hard to get accurate information here due to the language barrier and the way most people are wary about investing. There are a lot of sharks out there too: you have to be careful about who you trust with your money.

Here at RetireJapan we have a few core beliefs:

Personal finance is like a superpower: getting better at it can hugely improve all aspects of your life. Imagine what life would be like if you never worried about money, if you knew you could deal with pretty much any financial problem, if you had a clear plan for a comfortable retirement.

You’d probably be able to relax and enjoy life.

The beautiful thing about improving your personal finance skills and habits is that it is not all or nothing: basically any steps you take will improve your situation, and then once you are comfortable with the change you can do something else, and so on.

So what can we do for you?

RetireJapan has a number of resources. The most important ones are:

And what can you do for us?

RetireJapan is a community above all, so the best thing you can do to contribute is to read our resources, ask questions or write comments, tell us if we made any mistakes, and let other people know about the site.