Curated and structured information to save you time and get you up and running as soon as possible

There is no need to buy any of our courses. They do not contain secret or advanced information, and you can find everything you need on the site, in the forum, or on the YouTube channel.

After all, when I started getting into personal finance in 2008, there was no RetireJapan to help! I had to figure it out on my own by reading and trial and error. That is one reason it took me so long to fully understand everything and why I made so many mistakes.

What our courses do is curate and organize everything so that you get the most important information, organized and delivered in easy to understand chunks. This could save you a lot of time and reduce uncertainty.

If you have any questions about any of our courses please feel free to ask a question in the comments below, or get in touch with me via the site or social media.

The Basics of Personal Finance in Japan

On demand video course

This course provides an introduction to personal finance with a focus on the situation here in Japan. It covers earning, spending, saving, insurance, pensions, and financial planning. It briefly covers investing, but that is not the focus of this course.

Recommended for people who are just getting started with personal finance or who are not quite sure where to begin. More information here.

Your First Ten Million Yen

Live 6-week online course

This is our flagship cohort-based online course. We run it once a year and it usually sells out quickly. This six week course is a complete introduction to personal finance in Japan and is designed to enable you to save and invest your way to ten million yen -and beyond.

More information here and you can sign up to the waiting list as well.