Sometimes you just need to take a deep breath

Greolieres, in the mountains near Nice

​I find if I take on too much for too long, I get a familiar feeling. It’s kind of unpleasant, like a crushing sensation. It’s a feeling of always being in a hurry, of not having enough time, of being behind.

I’ve got that right now, but I’m getting better at dealing with it.

This helps, as does putting on some relaxing music, taking a deep breath, and looking at the sky.

What do you do when you get stressed?

3 Responses

  1. “What do you do when you get stressed?”
    For me its going for a long cycle in the countryside, and not bringing the smartphone with me. When I manage to cyle to the top of a mountain, and there is no one else up there, I find it very relaxing.
    “like a crushing sensation”
    Same here; feeling there are so many things to do and not being able to catch up…
    I was reading this morning, an article about Anthony Bourdain where they mentioned that he was exhausted from work prior to taking his own life, very sad story

    1. Getting into nature and getting away from screens works well for me too! I did some of that yesterday…
      Take care of youself 🙂